Launch HN: Payload (YC S22) – Headless CMS for Developers 16 by sneek_ | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hey HN, my name is James and I founded Payload ( ) with two close colleagues, Dan and Elliot. We're a dev-first headless CMS [1] that's half app framework and half CMS. We're closing the gap between the two. Imagine you're going to build a new SaaS app. Would you think of building it on a headless CMS? Probably not. To devs, "content management system" is usually a swear word. If a team of engineers gets assigned a CMS project, it's less than thrilling. Engineers want to avoid roadblocks, write code, and build things they're proud of—but existing CMS get in the way of that left and right. Rather, you'd build your backend on an app framework like Django, Laravel, etc., for good reasons: ownership over the backend, better access control, customizable auth patterns, etc. Typically, headless CMS are super limiting; you'll e...