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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2022

New top story on Hacker News: Inside an IBM AS/400 eSeries Factory [video]

Inside an IBM AS/400 eSeries Factory [video] 16 by grunthos | 7 comments on Hacker News. July 30, 2022 at 05:09PM grunthos 16 https://ift.tt/wjW6KLG Inside an IBM AS/400 eSeries Factory [video] 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m53H0pO2FD4

New top story on Hacker News: How a cable modem works (c. 2002)

How a cable modem works (c. 2002) 8 by jqcoffey | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 30, 2022 at 10:31PM jqcoffey 8 https://ift.tt/p9X2SLs How a cable modem works (c. 2002) 0 https://ift.tt/YbcUj3Z

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: DevRaven – Monitoring for Developers

Show HN: DevRaven – Monitoring for Developers 15 by kc10 | 11 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN! I am Krishna Thota, founder of DevRaven. DevRaven is a monitoring platform for Developers. DevRaven enables engineering teams or individual developers to setup active monitoring for their services/applications and get alerted when things don't work as expected Today's launch makes available the following features: API Monitoring - Monitor your HTTP end points and perform no-code or scripted assertions. Synthetic Monitoring - Execute browser based end-to-end tests using Playwright framework. No setup required. SSL Monitoring - Monitor SSL certificates for your end points and get alerted before they expire. Web Page Monitoring - Run continuous Lighthouse audits on your web pages to ensure best performance, SEO. Welcome any feedback, questions or suggestions. July 31, 2022 at 11:46PM kc10 15 https://ift.tt/c4516tU Show HN: DevRaven – Monitoring for Developers 11 Hi HN! I am Krishna T...

New top story on Hacker News: Converting from the Game Gear to the Master System

Converting from the Game Gear to the Master System 23 by stevekemp | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 31, 2022 at 11:23PM stevekemp 23 https://ift.tt/sCASV1a Converting from the Game Gear to the Master System 2 https://ift.tt/XM7Kpb3

New top story on Hacker News: Codebot.Tiny – A tiny library for rendering animated 2D/3D graphics

Codebot.Tiny – A tiny library for rendering animated 2D/3D graphics 13 by wagslane | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 31, 2022 at 08:17PM wagslane 13 https://ift.tt/F0zr5j6 Codebot.Tiny – A tiny library for rendering animated 2D/3D graphics 0 https://ift.tt/jk0U5zF

New top story on Hacker News: Winning a London Garden Allotment

Winning a London Garden Allotment 9 by fortran77 | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 30, 2022 at 05:34AM fortran77 9 https://ift.tt/IiV6ldG Winning a London Garden Allotment 1 https://ift.tt/BlwTFHv

New top story on Hacker News: ImHex – A Hex Editor

ImHex – A Hex Editor 154 by liberia | 30 comments on Hacker News. July 30, 2022 at 11:13PM liberia 154 https://ift.tt/DSzMH16 ImHex – A Hex Editor 30 https://ift.tt/OleR1I8

New top story on Hacker News: Do hair transplants debunk the scalp tension-hair loss hypothesis? (2021)

Do hair transplants debunk the scalp tension-hair loss hypothesis? (2021) 16 by yamrzou | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 29, 2022 at 11:58PM yamrzou 16 https://ift.tt/lwYHkI9 Do hair transplants debunk the scalp tension-hair loss hypothesis? (2021) 3 https://ift.tt/YKmpC5N

New top story on Hacker News: US regulators will certify first small nuclear reactor design

US regulators will certify first small nuclear reactor design 131 by papa-whisky | 31 comments on Hacker News. July 30, 2022 at 05:56AM papa-whisky 131 https://ift.tt/fheNWCj US regulators will certify first small nuclear reactor design 31 https://ift.tt/xUX2iIu

New top story on Hacker News: The Logical Writings of Karl Popper

The Logical Writings of Karl Popper 6 by Schiphol | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 30, 2022 at 05:36AM Schiphol 6 https://ift.tt/qDCTzYK The Logical Writings of Karl Popper 0 https://ift.tt/gP0Qn51

New top story on Hacker News: Color.js Released

Color.js Released 18 by ivank | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 29, 2022 at 09:01PM ivank 18 https://ift.tt/7235sYc Color.js Released 0 https://ift.tt/Mthaqgm

New top story on Hacker News: Why do so many bikes end up underwater?

Why do so many bikes end up underwater? 8 by nigerian1981 | 6 comments on Hacker News. July 28, 2022 at 10:38PM nigerian1981 8 https://ift.tt/e8Pm6tK Why do so many bikes end up underwater? 6 https://ift.tt/fuaHAvl

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Chunk – Code sandbox for back-end devs

Show HN: Chunk – Code sandbox for back-end devs 8 by theochampion | 0 comments on Hacker News. Chunk co-founder here. We spent the last 2 weeks building this to scratch our own itch: As developers, we often have problems that could be solved just by running a few lines of code. Sometimes, running this code on your local machine is fine. But other time, the code need to run automatically reacting to external events or to run continuously, which means, it needs to run on a server somewhere. So now, you have to find a cloud provider, to package or build the code and finally to deploy it. All of that for what could be literally be 4 lines of code. We couldn’t find an easier way to do this, so we built it. Chunk is an all in one web editor (think of the codesandbox experience) that allows you to write, deploy and run a piece of code in the cloud from a variety of triggers: HTTP, WebHook, manual or scheduled (cron). No setup, no build, no deploy. Chunk makes you go from idea to code runni...

New top story on Hacker News: Corrupting memory without memory corruption

Corrupting memory without memory corruption 9 by gslin | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 29, 2022 at 12:20AM gslin 9 https://ift.tt/Z6V8NuM Corrupting memory without memory corruption 0 https://ift.tt/ehVlcYX

New top story on Hacker News: ‘Weird, wonderful’: dig at Arthur’s Stone writes new story of Neolithic site

‘Weird, wonderful’: dig at Arthur’s Stone writes new story of Neolithic site 5 by pepys | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 29, 2022 at 10:38AM pepys 5 https://ift.tt/SIgU4Nw ‘Weird, wonderful’: dig at Arthur’s Stone writes new story of Neolithic site 0 https://ift.tt/uz1myvV

New top story on Hacker News: Aztec Diamond

Aztec Diamond 19 by luu | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 28, 2022 at 09:46AM luu 19 https://ift.tt/B70MHSQ Aztec Diamond 0 https://ift.tt/Z0w4SFv

New top story on Hacker News: Aya: your tRusty eBPF companion

Aya: your tRusty eBPF companion 4 by itamarst | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 28, 2022 at 11:51PM itamarst 4 https://ift.tt/PiqY4dz Aya: your tRusty eBPF companion 0 https://ift.tt/KLTZBCU

New top story on Hacker News: AWS us-east-2 outage

AWS us-east-2 outage 46 by kaustubhvp | 24 comments on Hacker News. July 29, 2022 at 12:05AM kaustubhvp 46 https://ift.tt/WGlsdih AWS us-east-2 outage 24 https://status.zoom.us

New top story on Hacker News: UPchieve (EdTech Nonprofit, YC W21) is hiring senior engineers

UPchieve (EdTech Nonprofit, YC W21) is hiring senior engineers 1 by alymurray | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 29, 2022 at 12:00AM alymurray 1 https://ift.tt/7OPAX0D UPchieve (EdTech Nonprofit, YC W21) is hiring senior engineers 0 https://ift.tt/zCOmj5s

New top story on Hacker News: AI Coding with CodeRL: Toward Mastering Program Synthesis with Deep RL

AI Coding with CodeRL: Toward Mastering Program Synthesis with Deep RL 2 by moyix | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 28, 2022 at 11:57PM moyix 2 https://ift.tt/Dg4c0Tf AI Coding with CodeRL: Toward Mastering Program Synthesis with Deep RL 0 https://ift.tt/32yNps8

New top story on Hacker News: Using linear algebra to convert a large code model

Using linear algebra to convert a large code model 5 by moyix | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 28, 2022 at 11:57PM moyix 5 https://ift.tt/ALTqtgB Using linear algebra to convert a large code model 0 https://ift.tt/9lXCdG4

New top story on Hacker News: Popcorn Lung: A Dangerous Risk of Flavored E-Cigarettes

Popcorn Lung: A Dangerous Risk of Flavored E-Cigarettes 20 by buttcrack | 21 comments on Hacker News. July 28, 2022 at 11:31PM buttcrack 20 https://ift.tt/sxz6jyt Popcorn Lung: A Dangerous Risk of Flavored E-Cigarettes 21 https://ift.tt/u3bVRO8

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Peerdiem — Discover and discuss one painting a day

Show HN: Peerdiem — Discover and discuss one painting a day 22 by afkqs | 8 comments on Hacker News. Hi everyone, I made Peerdiem (a portmanteau word between Peer and Per Diem, which means Per Day in latin). The idea is very simple, a new painting or artwork to discover and discuss with your peers every day. Content is currently only fetched from Chicago Art Institute Free API [1] but I'm planning to add more sources in the short future. It was built with a couple of technologies I wanted to try for some time. Frontend is made with Preact and styled with Tailwindcss. Backend consists of an FastAPI app deployed in a Docker container. [1] https://ift.tt/31Yt26E July 27, 2022 at 07:22PM afkqs 22 https://ift.tt/sdQ8cwF Show HN: Peerdiem — Discover and discuss one painting a day 8 Hi everyone, I made Peerdiem (a portmanteau word between Peer and Per Diem, which means Per Day in latin). The idea is very simple, a new painting or artwork to discover and discuss with your peers every ...

New top story on Hacker News: Our Carbon Removal Startup Wishlist

Our Carbon Removal Startup Wishlist 6 by cubecul | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 27, 2022 at 11:11PM cubecul 6 https://ift.tt/pMrhyql Our Carbon Removal Startup Wishlist 0 https://ift.tt/3KPL4XS

New top story on Hacker News: Programming languages endorsed for server-side use at Meta

Programming languages endorsed for server-side use at Meta 74 by iamnotarobotman | 53 comments on Hacker News. July 27, 2022 at 11:47PM iamnotarobotman 74 https://ift.tt/sxmv6kU Programming languages endorsed for server-side use at Meta 53 https://ift.tt/jkoY3X6

New top story on Hacker News: Notre Dame Rises Again

Notre Dame Rises Again 30 by gibspaulding | 10 comments on Hacker News. July 27, 2022 at 11:22PM gibspaulding 30 https://ift.tt/HjpE8hb Notre Dame Rises Again 10 https://ift.tt/6gKwbOp

New top story on Hacker News: You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes

You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes 12 by colinprince | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 27, 2022 at 11:03PM colinprince 12 https://ift.tt/gS0bLBN You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes 5 https://ift.tt/huBTAH9

New top story on Hacker News: Google Maps launches Street View in India after 11-year wait

Google Maps launches Street View in India after 11-year wait 31 by webmobdev | 10 comments on Hacker News. July 27, 2022 at 10:33PM webmobdev 31 https://ift.tt/QDiERgk Google Maps launches Street View in India after 11-year wait 10 https://ift.tt/7DcY8Xg

New top story on Hacker News: Accident Tolerant Fuels Could Boost the Performance of Today’s Reactors

Accident Tolerant Fuels Could Boost the Performance of Today’s Reactors 10 by PaulHoule | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 27, 2022 at 09:55PM PaulHoule 10 https://ift.tt/dxIhqtb Accident Tolerant Fuels Could Boost the Performance of Today’s Reactors 0 https://ift.tt/K9fHBrD

New top story on Hacker News: Specifying Spring '83

Specifying Spring '83 9 by nexthash | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 26, 2022 at 09:03AM nexthash 9 https://ift.tt/T48W9uB Specifying Spring '83 1 https://ift.tt/X3GAoKa

FOX NEWS: Jim Jordan: Pelosi has failed to get ‘ridiculous’ spending bill passed four times

Hình ảnh
Jim Jordan: Pelosi has failed to get ‘ridiculous’ spending bill passed four times Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, discusses a possible House vote on Biden’s spending agenda via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/3LahW7Y Jim Jordan: Pelosi has failed to get ‘ridiculous’ spending bill passed four times Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, discusses a possible House vote on Biden’s spending agenda https://ift.tt/3LahW7Y https://ift.tt/r30VdqI House of Representatives November 5, 2021 at 11:27PM

FOX NEWS: Rep. Jim Jordan reacts to Durham probe arrest: Clinton campaign was ‘cozying’ up to Russia, not Trump

Hình ảnh
Rep. Jim Jordan reacts to Durham probe arrest: Clinton campaign was ‘cozying’ up to Russia, not Trump Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, discusses the upcoming House vote on Biden’s spending bill and John Durham’s arrest of a Steele dossier sub-source via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/fTLkDKO Rep. Jim Jordan reacts to Durham probe arrest: Clinton campaign was ‘cozying’ up to Russia, not Trump Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, discusses the upcoming House vote on Biden’s spending bill and John Durham’s arrest of a Steele dossier sub-source https://ift.tt/fTLkDKO https://ift.tt/oNihcXr House of Representatives November 5, 2021 at 11:24PM

FOX NEWS: 'Democrats are in disarray': DC locals share how they feel about party's direction

Hình ảnh
'Democrats are in disarray': DC locals share how they feel about party's direction Locals in Washington, D.C., told Fox News how they felt about the direction of the Democratic Party. via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/WoswLlE 'Democrats are in disarray': DC locals share how they feel about party's direction Locals in Washington, D.C., told Fox News how they felt about the direction of the Democratic Party. https://ift.tt/WoswLlE https://ift.tt/5WNeLS6 Politics November 5, 2021 at 10:42PM

FOX NEWS: Republicans say down-ballot victories this week a roadmap for more GOP wins in 2022

Hình ảnh
Republicans say down-ballot victories this week a roadmap for more GOP wins in 2022 Republicans say state legislative pickups this week in Virginia and New Jersey will serve as a guide to the bigger elections ahead in 2022 via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/es2tPGK Republicans say down-ballot victories this week a roadmap for more GOP wins in 2022 Republicans say state legislative pickups this week in Virginia and New Jersey will serve as a guide to the bigger elections ahead in 2022 https://ift.tt/es2tPGK https://ift.tt/BcXINEr Politics November 5, 2021 at 10:14PM

FOX NEWS: Louisiana Republican spars with advocates for abortion access at House hearing

Hình ảnh
Louisiana Republican spars with advocates for abortion access at House hearing Rep. Mike Johnson, witnesses debate Texas abortion law via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/usOebWZ Louisiana Republican spars with advocates for abortion access at House hearing Rep. Mike Johnson, witnesses debate Texas abortion law https://ift.tt/usOebWZ https://ift.tt/umRs1wf House of Representatives November 5, 2021 at 10:02PM

New top story on Hacker News: Having no experience can be better than having the wrong experience

Having no experience can be better than having the wrong experience 15 by collate | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 26, 2022 at 03:40AM collate 15 https://ift.tt/NlFkszh Having no experience can be better than having the wrong experience 2 https://twitter.com/danluu/status/1551662427606986752

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why do you make class members private?

Ask HN: Why do you make class members private? 14 by robalni | 24 comments on Hacker News. I know this is something that a lot of people do without thinking about it. So let's think about it. I want to know the main reasons for making variables and functions in a class private. How is it better? What can happen if you don't do it? Here are a few possible reasons that I can think of that someone could have: * You have been taught to do it so you just do it without thinking. * It reduces the number of files you have to search in if you want to find all uses of a member. * The member is hard to understand so you want to discourage people from using it. To clarify, I'm only talking about code in the same project that everyone has access to. I'm not talking about defining an API for other people to use that don't have access to the code, like when you make a library. July 26, 2022 at 12:23AM robalni 14 https://ift.tt/5eT9Z42 Ask HN: Why do you make class members pri...

New top story on Hacker News: Safely Dropping MySQL Tables

Safely Dropping MySQL Tables 21 by mscccc | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 26, 2022 at 12:09AM mscccc 21 https://ift.tt/Hk5ucCK Safely Dropping MySQL Tables 0 https://ift.tt/PD6dabE

New top story on Hacker News: FCC fines Charter, LTD Broadband more than $3M for RDOF defaults

FCC fines Charter, LTD Broadband more than $3M for RDOF defaults 32 by PaulHoule | 15 comments on Hacker News. July 26, 2022 at 12:02AM PaulHoule 32 https://ift.tt/AlpWRqZ FCC fines Charter, LTD Broadband more than $3M for RDOF defaults 15 https://ift.tt/hon65Bs

New top story on Hacker News: [Fedora-legal-list] Change in classification of CC0

[Fedora-legal-list] Change in classification of CC0 90 by em-bee | 55 comments on Hacker News. July 25, 2022 at 11:42PM em-bee 90 https://ift.tt/w5OFhmi [Fedora-legal-list] Change in classification of CC0 55 https://ift.tt/mA6I3MF

New top story on Hacker News: Why Academic Freedom Matters (2021)

Why Academic Freedom Matters (2021) 21 by Tomte | 20 comments on Hacker News. July 25, 2022 at 11:18PM Tomte 21 https://ift.tt/zVNkOAi Why Academic Freedom Matters (2021) 20 https://ift.tt/6WBAClX

New top story on Hacker News: Metal corrosion costs 3% of global GDP, according to corrosion engineers (2016)

Metal corrosion costs 3% of global GDP, according to corrosion engineers (2016) 69 by apatil | 46 comments on Hacker News. July 25, 2022 at 10:58PM apatil 69 https://ift.tt/ewBftXJ Metal corrosion costs 3% of global GDP, according to corrosion engineers (2016) 46 https://ift.tt/jRkFK2A

New top story on Hacker News: Coming Attraction: Charles Morton wonders where birds come from (1685)

Coming Attraction: Charles Morton wonders where birds come from (1685) 8 by benbreen | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 25, 2022 at 10:14AM benbreen 8 https://ift.tt/bS6BfLo Coming Attraction: Charles Morton wonders where birds come from (1685) 1 https://ift.tt/ayjpWRN

New top story on Hacker News: When to Kill the Canary

When to Kill the Canary 8 by kiyanwang | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 25, 2022 at 01:05PM kiyanwang 8 https://ift.tt/mgYKPyX When to Kill the Canary 1 https://ift.tt/1QB7RDo

New top story on Hacker News: Former juvenile lifers talk about the meaning of second chances

Former juvenile lifers talk about the meaning of second chances 8 by gmays | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 09:52PM gmays 8 https://ift.tt/jVv9z4W Former juvenile lifers talk about the meaning of second chances 0 https://ift.tt/uStbgfP

New top story on Hacker News: Factor: A Practical Stack Language

Factor: A Practical Stack Language 17 by slondr | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 24, 2022 at 11:35PM slondr 17 https://ift.tt/2Rzu07E Factor: A Practical Stack Language 0 https://factorcode.org/

New top story on Hacker News: Prior Omicron infection protects against BA.4 and BA.5 variants

Prior Omicron infection protects against BA.4 and BA.5 variants 52 by bookofjoe | 57 comments on Hacker News. July 24, 2022 at 10:59PM bookofjoe 52 https://ift.tt/UOGLKJ0 Prior Omicron infection protects against BA.4 and BA.5 variants 57 https://ift.tt/PEXINUr

New top story on Hacker News: Shite: The little static shite generator from shell

Shite: The little static shite generator from shell 21 by pcr910303 | 6 comments on Hacker News. July 24, 2022 at 10:54PM pcr910303 21 https://ift.tt/ONG2E6V Shite: The little static shite generator from shell 6 https://ift.tt/Gz65tcj

New top story on Hacker News: AWS open sourced the AWS console design system

AWS open sourced the AWS console design system 62 by wizwit999 | 31 comments on Hacker News. July 24, 2022 at 10:51PM wizwit999 62 https://ift.tt/huwpq2T AWS open sourced the AWS console design system 31 https://ift.tt/oDkMOsj

New top story on Hacker News: People Who Apply for Jobs by Showing Up

People Who Apply for Jobs by Showing Up 12 by bookofjoe | 4 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 06:17PM bookofjoe 12 https://ift.tt/wv1Kbir People Who Apply for Jobs by Showing Up 4 https://ift.tt/0QIHCsY

New top story on Hacker News: Usborne computer and coding books from the 1980s

Usborne computer and coding books from the 1980s 18 by rwmj | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 07:50PM rwmj 18 https://ift.tt/SbtVNq1 Usborne computer and coding books from the 1980s 0 https://ift.tt/4DiYMcQ

New top story on Hacker News: Spawned Shelter

Spawned Shelter 3 by Tomte | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 22, 2022 at 09:32PM Tomte 3 https://ift.tt/yNaUpGd Spawned Shelter 0 https://ift.tt/OTUhy7u

New top story on Hacker News: World’s fairs acted as showcases for American cocktail ingenuity

World’s fairs acted as showcases for American cocktail ingenuity 4 by samclemens | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 01:20AM samclemens 4 https://ift.tt/wima4r6 World’s fairs acted as showcases for American cocktail ingenuity 0 https://ift.tt/n3zaeUc

New top story on Hacker News: Galactic-Scale Energy – Do the Math (2011)

Galactic-Scale Energy – Do the Math (2011) 3 by grey_earthling | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 03:46PM grey_earthling 3 https://ift.tt/c1xZQ5e Galactic-Scale Energy – Do the Math (2011) 0 https://ift.tt/TpWi03F

New top story on Hacker News: How to Use Sshfs on OpenBSD

How to Use Sshfs on OpenBSD 17 by zdw | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 10:35PM zdw 17 https://ift.tt/YADmHX4 How to Use Sshfs on OpenBSD 2 https://ift.tt/4y1a3ZS

New top story on Hacker News: Comité Liquidant Ou Détournant Les Ordinateurs (C.L.O.D.O.) (1983)

Comité Liquidant Ou Détournant Les Ordinateurs (C.L.O.D.O.) (1983) 5 by 317070 | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 23, 2022 at 02:13PM 317070 5 https://ift.tt/WdKzuVA Comité Liquidant Ou Détournant Les Ordinateurs (C.L.O.D.O.) (1983) 0 https://ift.tt/3L7n8px

New top story on Hacker News: Formal CHERI: design-time proof of architecture security properties

Formal CHERI: design-time proof of architecture security properties 20 by pabs3 | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 22, 2022 at 01:20PM pabs3 20 https://ift.tt/F47gpnv Formal CHERI: design-time proof of architecture security properties 2 https://ift.tt/uSk7DbN

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Turn spreadsheets into website designs

Show HN: Turn spreadsheets into website designs 11 by seestraw | 3 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN members, I've been facing this problem recently. As a startup founder, I am managing a lot of Google Sheets. I want to hire a developer to convert it to custom websites but I couldn't find a place I could get it designed. I decided to solve it myself. I tried this out with one company and they were quite happy with the solution. So I'm opening it up to everyone. I'd love to see if anyone else has the same problem. July 21, 2022 at 03:38PM seestraw 11 https://ift.tt/dM4qWTk Show HN: Turn spreadsheets into website designs 3 Hi HN members, I've been facing this problem recently. As a startup founder, I am managing a lot of Google Sheets. I want to hire a developer to convert it to custom websites but I couldn't find a place I could get it designed. I decided to solve it myself. I tried this out with one company and they were quite happy with the solution. So I...

New top story on Hacker News: Sharpened Cosine Distance as an Alternative for Convolutions

Sharpened Cosine Distance as an Alternative for Convolutions 18 by gk1 | 10 comments on Hacker News. July 22, 2022 at 09:10PM gk1 18 https://ift.tt/PkNliEG Sharpened Cosine Distance as an Alternative for Convolutions 10 https://ift.tt/FzcZsB4

New top story on Hacker News: A bird that’s breaking the tree of life

A bird that’s breaking the tree of life 13 by SirLJ | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 22, 2022 at 07:32PM SirLJ 13 https://ift.tt/hOZ0EtR A bird that’s breaking the tree of life 1 https://ift.tt/6A5tiC8

New top story on Hacker News: Litetree – SQLite with Branches

Litetree – SQLite with Branches 10 by tsujp | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 22, 2022 at 07:36PM tsujp 10 https://ift.tt/GLWZugQ Litetree – SQLite with Branches 5 https://ift.tt/OvkKsYI

New top story on Hacker News: E. E. Cummings and Krazy Kat

E. E. Cummings and Krazy Kat 14 by apollinaire | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 21, 2022 at 10:19PM apollinaire 14 https://ift.tt/awsBVWC E. E. Cummings and Krazy Kat 2 https://ift.tt/fH1RTIk

New top story on Hacker News: Behind Closed Doors review – entertaining study of London private members’ clubs

Behind Closed Doors review – entertaining study of London private members’ clubs 8 by pepys | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 21, 2022 at 02:01AM pepys 8 https://ift.tt/fPQqKUx Behind Closed Doors review – entertaining study of London private members’ clubs 0 https://ift.tt/DLzNFo2

New top story on Hacker News: Real peer review has never been tried – Works in Progress

Real peer review has never been tried – Works in Progress 16 by bilsbie | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 21, 2022 at 11:58PM bilsbie 16 https://ift.tt/tg4rWdG Real peer review has never been tried – Works in Progress 0 https://ift.tt/J8MFYoS

New top story on Hacker News: Antibiotics Affect Male and Female (Lab Rats) Gut Microbiomes Differently

Antibiotics Affect Male and Female (Lab Rats) Gut Microbiomes Differently 35 by NickRandom | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 21, 2022 at 11:47PM NickRandom 35 https://ift.tt/rLlWOTR Antibiotics Affect Male and Female (Lab Rats) Gut Microbiomes Differently 5 https://ift.tt/5be8voL

New top story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You can't hire because you don't post salary ranges

Tell HN: You can't hire because you don't post salary ranges 296 by Carrok | 150 comments on Hacker News. At the start of this year, Colorado has changed to require every job posted to list a salary range. Other states are also beginning to follow suit. I am currently job hunting. I started looking locally, everything lists salary ranges, perfect. I can know which positions to skip and which ones might be a good match right away. No need to waste time with 7 rounds of interviewing only to find out the salary is 50% of what I currently make. Now I've begun widening my search to remote work, as the idea of commuting to an office in 2022 is completely insane to me. Most jobs on nation-wide job boards do not post a salary range. I will not even click on those job postings. It's simply not worth it. Further, after seeing so many positions listed _with_ salary ranges, when I see one without a salary range it makes me feel like you have something to hide and are trying to t...

New top story on Hacker News: Diffusers: Modular Diffusion model library from HuggingFace

Diffusers: Modular Diffusion model library from HuggingFace 14 by kashifr | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 21, 2022 at 11:41PM kashifr 14 https://ift.tt/fiKoG1A Diffusers: Modular Diffusion model library from HuggingFace 3 https://ift.tt/ocfMKn9

New top story on Hacker News: Negative Incentives in Academic Research

Negative Incentives in Academic Research 45 by ibobev | 20 comments on Hacker News. July 21, 2022 at 11:13PM ibobev 45 https://ift.tt/cCfWsrB Negative Incentives in Academic Research 20 https://ift.tt/lwgOEKZ

New top story on Hacker News: Nokia 5110 Communicator

Nokia 5110 Communicator 17 by zdw | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 11:14PM zdw 17 https://ift.tt/yUzeSu7 Nokia 5110 Communicator 1 https://ift.tt/w8EpMDv

New top story on Hacker News: Naming microservices needs to be trivial, not cryptic (2018)

Naming microservices needs to be trivial, not cryptic (2018) 16 by arthurjj | 28 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 11:41PM arthurjj 16 https://ift.tt/lEV3LDw Naming microservices needs to be trivial, not cryptic (2018) 28 https://ift.tt/XRGorBE

New top story on Hacker News: Highly differentiated startups raise 117% more funding

Highly differentiated startups raise 117% more funding 10 by tdmckinlay | 4 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 11:39PM tdmckinlay 10 https://ift.tt/7ztD2GF Highly differentiated startups raise 117% more funding 4 https://ift.tt/G7WfF1X

New top story on Hacker News: What’s the Biggest Bird in the World?

What’s the Biggest Bird in the World? 8 by sohkamyung | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 12:44PM sohkamyung 8 https://ift.tt/y1wbpYD What’s the Biggest Bird in the World? 0 https://ift.tt/GeF6Quw

New top story on Hacker News: Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine

Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine 28 by Arubis | 12 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 11:37PM Arubis 28 https://ift.tt/QWohH8U Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine 12 https://ift.tt/SpvzlKF

New top story on Hacker News: MegaPortraits: One-Shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars

MegaPortraits: One-Shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars 8 by voydik | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 11:37PM voydik 8 https://ift.tt/w4VclnM MegaPortraits: One-Shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars 0 https://ift.tt/INQRS6d

New top story on Hacker News: Stereokit – open-source mixed reality library by Microsoft

Stereokit – open-source mixed reality library by Microsoft 17 by yolo123 | 6 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 11:33PM yolo123 17 https://ift.tt/LtzHSlj Stereokit – open-source mixed reality library by Microsoft 6 https://ift.tt/0o3zF9k

New top story on Hacker News: DALL·E Now Available in Beta

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New top story on Hacker News: What I learned in the first year of starting a podcast

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New top story on Hacker News: Taking things less personally

Taking things less personally 25 by prostoalex | 6 comments on Hacker News. July 19, 2022 at 09:34AM prostoalex 25 https://ift.tt/GAlBvtS Taking things less personally 6 https://ift.tt/L5iNCtq

New top story on Hacker News: A 100x Investment (Part 1)

A 100x Investment (Part 1) 13 by allenleein | 4 comments on Hacker News. July 19, 2022 at 11:16PM allenleein 13 https://ift.tt/GN4RdSv A 100x Investment (Part 1) 4 https://ift.tt/xs7ltBT

New top story on Hacker News: DevCycle (YC W14) is hiring Feature Flag Developers to fix software development

DevCycle (YC W14) is hiring Feature Flag Developers to fix software development 1 by aglazer | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 20, 2022 at 12:01AM aglazer 1 https://ift.tt/BLeklpa DevCycle (YC W14) is hiring Feature Flag Developers to fix software development 0 https://ift.tt/MLIr53Y

New top story on Hacker News: Do Infinite Pencils Exist?

Do Infinite Pencils Exist? 4 by gk1 | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 19, 2022 at 11:53PM gk1 4 https://ift.tt/OJa08HF Do Infinite Pencils Exist? 1 https://ift.tt/G2KTOo7

New top story on Hacker News: New method identifies the root causes of statistical outliers

New method identifies the root causes of statistical outliers 5 by jonbaer | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 19, 2022 at 11:39PM jonbaer 5 https://ift.tt/kYDzZRO New method identifies the root causes of statistical outliers 0 https://ift.tt/iCPochX

New top story on Hacker News: Volkswagen bringing back Scout brand truck as electric vehicle made in America

Volkswagen bringing back Scout brand truck as electric vehicle made in America 20 by lightwin | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 19, 2022 at 10:43PM lightwin 20 https://ift.tt/OGoYTRD Volkswagen bringing back Scout brand truck as electric vehicle made in America 5 https://ift.tt/G2yPMJq

New top story on Hacker News: Get started with GPU Compute on the web

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New top story on Hacker News: Computer Science Proof Unveils Unexpected Form of Entanglement

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New top story on Hacker News: A Deep Dive into the Residential Proxy Service ‘911’

A Deep Dive into the Residential Proxy Service ‘911’ 45 by todsacerdoti | 12 comments on Hacker News. July 18, 2022 at 11:15PM todsacerdoti 45 https://ift.tt/UxytiWS A Deep Dive into the Residential Proxy Service ‘911’ 12 https://ift.tt/J1nYzpr

New top story on Hacker News: Microsoft Creative Writer (1993)

Microsoft Creative Writer (1993) 7 by remoquete | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 17, 2022 at 06:21PM remoquete 7 https://ift.tt/b3laHCR Microsoft Creative Writer (1993) 1 https://ift.tt/ynxVob0

New top story on Hacker News: Perceived Affordances and the Functionality Mismatch

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New top story on Hacker News: The AI Battle Rages On

The AI Battle Rages On 13 by ajafari1 | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 18, 2022 at 07:17PM ajafari1 13 https://ift.tt/KlWDfpZ The AI Battle Rages On 3 https://ift.tt/54d9QHy

New top story on Hacker News: Arcan Display Server 0.6.2 – It’s all connected

Arcan Display Server 0.6.2 – It’s all connected 32 by pantalaimon | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 16, 2022 at 05:33PM pantalaimon 32 https://ift.tt/jT8WHIh Arcan Display Server 0.6.2 – It’s all connected 3 https://ift.tt/XGx8rIF

New top story on Hacker News: Commune – threaded communications built on Matrix

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New top story on Hacker News: The Slow March of Progress in Programming Language Tooling

The Slow March of Progress in Programming Language Tooling 3 by kiyanwang | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 17, 2022 at 11:32PM kiyanwang 3 https://ift.tt/1c46P9J The Slow March of Progress in Programming Language Tooling 0 https://ift.tt/NkGFH7d

New top story on Hacker News: Why Am I Excited About WebAssembly?

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New top story on Hacker News: Netflix Calculator – Ever wondered how much time you spend on Netflix?

Netflix Calculator – Ever wondered how much time you spend on Netflix? 14 by attero | 7 comments on Hacker News. July 17, 2022 at 11:09PM attero 14 https://ift.tt/plbg9O1 Netflix Calculator – Ever wondered how much time you spend on Netflix? 7 https://ift.tt/fEr5kQA

New top story on Hacker News: Prose.sh – A Blog Platform for Hackers

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New top story on Hacker News: Excel: Getting Rid of Everything Except Numbers

Excel: Getting Rid of Everything Except Numbers 9 by damir | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 16, 2022 at 03:01PM damir 9 https://ift.tt/D4yTAkK Excel: Getting Rid of Everything Except Numbers 1 https://ift.tt/p6k8EgL

New top story on Hacker News: When coal first arrived, Americans said 'no thanks'

When coal first arrived, Americans said 'no thanks' 48 by WithinReason | 82 comments on Hacker News. July 17, 2022 at 12:44AM WithinReason 48 https://ift.tt/ZsTjE86 When coal first arrived, Americans said 'no thanks' 82 https://ift.tt/NnyE5ZP

New top story on Hacker News: Invisible XML is a language for describing the implicit structure of data

Invisible XML is a language for describing the implicit structure of data 35 by bryanrasmussen | 10 comments on Hacker News. July 17, 2022 at 12:42AM bryanrasmussen 35 https://ift.tt/wbAYPvV Invisible XML is a language for describing the implicit structure of data 10 https://ift.tt/VjxGF8w

New top story on Hacker News: Bun gets “bun:FFI” – call native libraries from JavaScript

Bun gets “bun:FFI” – call native libraries from JavaScript 44 by tambourine_man | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 17, 2022 at 12:29AM tambourine_man 44 https://ift.tt/zMKt1TR Bun gets “bun:FFI” – call native libraries from JavaScript 2 https://twitter.com/jarredsumner/status/1521527222514774017

New top story on Hacker News: Life Cycle of a Hornet Colony

Life Cycle of a Hornet Colony 5 by itronitron | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 02:24PM itronitron 5 https://ift.tt/sIvlrzm Life Cycle of a Hornet Colony 0 https://ift.tt/h06bt7Y

New top story on Hacker News: China Mortgage Crisis Boycott Data Erased by Censors, GitHub Remains Data Source

China Mortgage Crisis Boycott Data Erased by Censors, GitHub Remains Data Source 62 by throwaway_1928 | 17 comments on Hacker News. July 16, 2022 at 11:37PM throwaway_1928 62 https://ift.tt/wu4v7Sm China Mortgage Crisis Boycott Data Erased by Censors, GitHub Remains Data Source 17 https://ift.tt/cwav4bS

New top story on Hacker News: The Rise and Fall of the Manufactured Home – Part I

The Rise and Fall of the Manufactured Home – Part I 7 by samclemens | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 16, 2022 at 11:56PM samclemens 7 https://ift.tt/cUsMCoO The Rise and Fall of the Manufactured Home – Part I 0 https://ift.tt/82SNHqD

New top story on Hacker News: Writing and running a bbs on a Macintosh plus

Writing and running a bbs on a Macintosh plus 15 by todsacerdoti | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 09:54PM todsacerdoti 15 https://ift.tt/kawfOeF Writing and running a bbs on a Macintosh plus 0 https://ift.tt/vfTOwk6

New top story on Hacker News: Living with Models

Living with Models 8 by zdw | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 04:05AM zdw 8 https://ift.tt/79g1IoH Living with Models 1 https://ift.tt/Dig9dSm

New top story on Hacker News: Jim Thorpe reinstated as sole winner of 1912 Olympic gold medals

Jim Thorpe reinstated as sole winner of 1912 Olympic gold medals 5 by cwwc | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 16, 2022 at 12:12AM cwwc 5 https://ift.tt/mubWaq9 Jim Thorpe reinstated as sole winner of 1912 Olympic gold medals 0 https://ift.tt/Og9qzJh

New top story on Hacker News: Firezone (YC W22) is building an open-source network security platform

Firezone (YC W22) is building an open-source network security platform 1 by jasong | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 16, 2022 at 12:01AM jasong 1 https://ift.tt/y3pgOSa Firezone (YC W22) is building an open-source network security platform 0 https://ift.tt/gsLWozY

New top story on Hacker News: Rust should not have provided `unwrap`

Rust should not have provided `unwrap` 20 by pcr910303 | 28 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 11:42PM pcr910303 20 https://ift.tt/ocvfhk7 Rust should not have provided `unwrap` 28 https://ift.tt/pQGLRD5

New top story on Hacker News: A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector

A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector 29 by ibraheemdev | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 10:44PM ibraheemdev 29 https://ift.tt/OaNpJ4P A Guide to the Go Garbage Collector 1 https://ift.tt/SebDx4i

New top story on Hacker News: It's All Just an Old Videogame

It's All Just an Old Videogame 5 by vitabenes | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 05:28PM vitabenes 5 https://ift.tt/wQ7RsJo It's All Just an Old Videogame 0 https://ift.tt/OxJy5tA

New top story on Hacker News: Torus-Earth

Torus-Earth 10 by 10000truths | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 11:33AM 10000truths 10 https://ift.tt/UmA7slb Torus-Earth 0 https://ift.tt/mwlWxae

New top story on Hacker News: Picasso's Great Anti-War Mural Flopped

Picasso's Great Anti-War Mural Flopped 8 by prismatic | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 09:10PM prismatic 8 https://ift.tt/kAWU20V Picasso's Great Anti-War Mural Flopped 0 https://ift.tt/LAJRQg7

New top story on Hacker News: ChromeOS Flex is now ready to scale to PCs and Macs

ChromeOS Flex is now ready to scale to PCs and Macs 15 by binkHN | 8 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 12:42AM binkHN 15 https://ift.tt/HJgtGUA ChromeOS Flex is now ready to scale to PCs and Macs 8 https://ift.tt/V9wAY71

New top story on Hacker News: Evidence (YC S21) Is Hiring

Evidence (YC S21) Is Hiring 1 by amcaskill | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 15, 2022 at 12:00AM amcaskill 1 https://ift.tt/Gg41kbN Evidence (YC S21) Is Hiring 0 https://ift.tt/fHvyheO

New top story on Hacker News: ML code generation vs. coding by hand: what we think programming will look like

ML code generation vs. coding by hand: what we think programming will look like 26 by matijash | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 11:27PM matijash 26 https://ift.tt/c2ZUs0Y ML code generation vs. coding by hand: what we think programming will look like 5 https://ift.tt/4ZqFP6W

New top story on Hacker News: Rocky Linux 9.0

Rocky Linux 9.0 8 by TangerineDream | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 11:14PM TangerineDream 8 https://ift.tt/Cf0LcU1 Rocky Linux 9.0 0 https://ift.tt/1m2Txsa

New top story on Hacker News: Is WebAssembly magic performance pixie dust?

Is WebAssembly magic performance pixie dust? 12 by simonebrunozzi | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 11:18PM simonebrunozzi 12 https://ift.tt/uoMJn4h Is WebAssembly magic performance pixie dust? 3 https://ift.tt/8vWekJF

New top story on Hacker News: Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know

Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know 7 by PaulHoule | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 12:16AM PaulHoule 7 https://ift.tt/uvs2zaw Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know 0 https://ift.tt/TqN1OH7

New top story on Hacker News: Founding engineer roles at W22 YC startups

Founding engineer roles at W22 YC startups 1 by ryankicks | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 14, 2022 at 12:00AM ryankicks 1 https://ift.tt/hD36tfU Founding engineer roles at W22 YC startups 0

New top story on Hacker News: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) adds support for Arm nodes

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) adds support for Arm nodes 26 by crb | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 13, 2022 at 11:59PM crb 26 https://ift.tt/Qxt194Z Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) adds support for Arm nodes 2 https://ift.tt/LrmJUWB

New top story on Hacker News: Helion Needs You

Helion Needs You 77 by aero-glide2 | 59 comments on Hacker News. July 13, 2022 at 11:43PM aero-glide2 77 https://ift.tt/hxXe2us Helion Needs You 59 https://ift.tt/MYGtm6n

New top story on Hacker News: Maybe powers of π don't have unexpectedly good approximations?

Maybe powers of π don't have unexpectedly good approximations? 14 by thomasahle | 7 comments on Hacker News. July 13, 2022 at 11:42PM thomasahle 14 https://ift.tt/kDLe3xh Maybe powers of π don't have unexpectedly good approximations? 7 https://ift.tt/JZG7ke2

New top story on Hacker News: I made a Google sheet of local elections and it's been removed from Google Drive

I made a Google sheet of local elections and it's been removed from Google Drive 283 by danso | 124 comments on Hacker News. July 13, 2022 at 11:31PM danso 283 https://ift.tt/lmjkyXv I made a Google sheet of local elections and it's been removed from Google Drive 124 https://twitter.com/mkramer/status/1547256544332488708

New top story on Hacker News: You can‘t take the Bar exam if your laptop is too modern

You can‘t take the Bar exam if your laptop is too modern 34 by omnibrain | 11 comments on Hacker News. July 13, 2022 at 11:23PM omnibrain 34 https://ift.tt/bYv4CPo You can‘t take the Bar exam if your laptop is too modern 11 https://twitter.com/mermaidsailor/status/1547236346632216576

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: A benchmark for analytical databases (Snowflake, Druid, Redshift)

Show HN: A benchmark for analytical databases (Snowflake, Druid, Redshift) 21 by zX41ZdbW | 0 comments on Hacker News. I created a web page to compare different analytical databases (both self-managed and services, open-source and proprietary) on a realistic dataset. It contains 20+ databases, each with installation and data loading scripts. And they can be compared to each other on a set of 43 queries, by data load time or by storage size. There are switches to select different types of databases for comparison - for example, only MySQL compatible or PostgreSQL compatible. If you play with the switches, many interesting details will be uncovered. Full description: https://ift.tt/fR681LQ July 13, 2022 at 11:03PM zX41ZdbW 21 https://ift.tt/h5LHGMt Show HN: A benchmark for analytical databases (Snowflake, Druid, Redshift) 0 I created a web page to compare different analytical databases (both self-managed and services, open-source and proprietary) on a realistic dataset. It contains ...

New top story on Hacker News: Pachyderm (YC W15) is hiring for DevRel to evangelize data-centric pipelines

Pachyderm (YC W15) is hiring for DevRel to evangelize data-centric pipelines 1 by jaz46 | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 13, 2022 at 12:00AM jaz46 1 https://ift.tt/aWtRw9K Pachyderm (YC W15) is hiring for DevRel to evangelize data-centric pipelines 0 https://ift.tt/rfNquIO

New top story on Hacker News: Heathrow tells airlines to stop selling additional flights until September

Heathrow tells airlines to stop selling additional flights until September 76 by edward | 85 comments on Hacker News. July 12, 2022 at 11:30PM edward 76 https://ift.tt/lJICWz5 Heathrow tells airlines to stop selling additional flights until September 85 https://ift.tt/BV9D0gN

New top story on Hacker News: Return Stack Buffer Underflow – Retbleed (Intel)

Return Stack Buffer Underflow – Retbleed (Intel) 18 by ndesaulniers | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 12, 2022 at 11:05PM ndesaulniers 18 https://ift.tt/LDe5Yzv Return Stack Buffer Underflow – Retbleed (Intel) 5 https://ift.tt/y5qP9Q8

New top story on Hacker News: Our search for the best OCR tool (2019)

Our search for the best OCR tool (2019) 9 by longrod | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 11, 2022 at 03:11PM longrod 9 https://ift.tt/2K4ycei Our search for the best OCR tool (2019) 3 https://ift.tt/AbfVFSX

FOX NEWS: Students sing to teacher with stage 4 cancer outside hospital: 'It was overwhelming'

Hình ảnh
Students sing to teacher with stage 4 cancer outside hospital: 'It was overwhelming' In an emotional goodbye visit, 26 children sang worship songs prior to Carol Mack's move to hospice care via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/Xacge5m Students sing to teacher with stage 4 cancer outside hospital: 'It was overwhelming' In an emotional goodbye visit, 26 children sang worship songs prior to Carol Mack's move to hospice care https://ift.tt/Xacge5m https://ift.tt/TwibtBU November 5, 2021 at 10:08PM

FOX NEWS: Canine influenza outbreak: What dog owners need to know

Hình ảnh
Canine influenza outbreak: What dog owners need to know A canine influenza outbreak in Los Angeles is drawing up concern among pet owners on the West Coast. via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/PBcgMCL Canine influenza outbreak: What dog owners need to know A canine influenza outbreak in Los Angeles is drawing up concern among pet owners on the West Coast. https://ift.tt/PBcgMCL https://ift.tt/W8GtY9Z November 5, 2021 at 08:41PM

FOX NEWS: Couple gets married at 'most beautiful' Taco Bell: 'It was the best of both worlds'

Hình ảnh
Couple gets married at 'most beautiful' Taco Bell: 'It was the best of both worlds' Analicia Garcia, 24, and Kyle Howser, 25, from Sacramento, California, got married on Tuesday, Oct. 26 and had their reception at the famous Pacifica, California, Taco Bell. via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/xap9imI Couple gets married at 'most beautiful' Taco Bell: 'It was the best of both worlds' Analicia Garcia, 24, and Kyle Howser, 25, from Sacramento, California, got married on Tuesday, Oct. 26 and had their reception at the famous Pacifica, California, Taco Bell. https://ift.tt/xap9imI https://ift.tt/gFt2xBM November 5, 2021 at 08:33PM

New top story on Hacker News: Giving a shit as a service

Giving a shit as a service 33 by pimterry | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 12, 2022 at 10:28PM pimterry 33 https://ift.tt/9mYHiL0 Giving a shit as a service 2 https://ift.tt/AGIY8Ur

New top story on Hacker News: Build, gather, brawl, repeat: The history of real-time strategy games (2017)

Build, gather, brawl, repeat: The history of real-time strategy games (2017) 17 by Tomte | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 06:30PM Tomte 17 https://ift.tt/i4VRbMP Build, gather, brawl, repeat: The history of real-time strategy games (2017) 3 https://ift.tt/pZItDUc

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Moving from Corporate to Solo Dev?

Ask HN: Moving from Corporate to Solo Dev? 60 by disenchanted_ds | 33 comments on Hacker News. I'm pretty disillusioned with the corporate rat race...I naively took on some additional managerial/strategic responsibilities assuming I'd get a promotion, but I'm finding that even if I did get the promotion, I'm not enjoying my current work as much, as I'm far less hands-on. I know I can provide value--I've got industry-specific domain expertise and I can write high-quality software. One of the projects I've recently been managing is the outsourcing of some programming work--work outsourced to a team of "professional programmers" but with no domain expertise. I think I could have done better myself in terms of code quality, but even if I had, I know I wouldn't have gotten paid as much since I'm an employee. I'd like to capture that value myself instead of dealing with an OK bonus and sub-inflationary raise. I've been considering tryi...

New top story on Hacker News: Physicists see electron whirlpools for the first time

Physicists see electron whirlpools for the first time 18 by rntn | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 05:23PM rntn 18 https://ift.tt/CLmH2gt Physicists see electron whirlpools for the first time 2 https://ift.tt/AX63B4V

New top story on Hacker News: Text2LIVE: Text-Driven Layered Image and Video Editing

Text2LIVE: Text-Driven Layered Image and Video Editing 9 by lnyan | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 04:49PM lnyan 9 https://ift.tt/xJ2AKY3 Text2LIVE: Text-Driven Layered Image and Video Editing 0 https://ift.tt/pRsAdau

New top story on Hacker News: Black Venture Capitalists Confront Silicon Valley’s Quiet Racism

Black Venture Capitalists Confront Silicon Valley’s Quiet Racism 7 by koolhead17 | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 11, 2022 at 11:36PM koolhead17 7 https://ift.tt/dKX7gQR Black Venture Capitalists Confront Silicon Valley’s Quiet Racism 0 https://ift.tt/YRCDWGn

New top story on Hacker News: New Arizona law makes it illegal to film within 8 feet of police

New Arizona law makes it illegal to film within 8 feet of police 231 by latchkey | 232 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 10:43PM latchkey 231 https://ift.tt/XzAZYGp New Arizona law makes it illegal to film within 8 feet of police 232 https://ift.tt/5pGuPy1

New top story on Hacker News: Beginner's Guide to Error Handling in Rust

Beginner's Guide to Error Handling in Rust 43 by rkwz | 25 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 10:39PM rkwz 43 https://ift.tt/MWR5QIt Beginner's Guide to Error Handling in Rust 25 https://ift.tt/96a2SJv

New top story on Hacker News: The Curse of Konzo

The Curse of Konzo 11 by CobaltFire | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 10:37PM CobaltFire 11 https://ift.tt/0dvqZEY The Curse of Konzo 0 https://ift.tt/e0cW9rI

New top story on Hacker News: As TikTok grows, so does suspicion

As TikTok grows, so does suspicion 80 by samizdis | 83 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 09:56PM samizdis 80 https://ift.tt/5uU83aC As TikTok grows, so does suspicion 83 https://ift.tt/4nk1Zwf

New top story on Hacker News: Can a Biologist Fix a Radio?

Can a Biologist Fix a Radio? 10 by tambourine_man | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 10, 2022 at 09:41PM tambourine_man 10 https://ift.tt/l6Lmf9W Can a Biologist Fix a Radio? 1 https://ift.tt/QanPt9h

New top story on Hacker News: Joseph Weizenbaum's Original Eliza

Joseph Weizenbaum's Original Eliza 8 by tobr | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 02:11PM tobr 8 https://ift.tt/xe2s8uC Joseph Weizenbaum's Original Eliza 1 https://ift.tt/pvFmQHA

New top story on Hacker News: A fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates

A fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates 7 by michidk | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 07:36PM michidk 7 https://ift.tt/W5FL9nB A fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates 0 https://ift.tt/fJL2ltg

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Piano Trainer – Learn piano scales, chords and more using MIDI

Show HN: Piano Trainer – Learn piano scales, chords and more using MIDI 11 by FinalDestiny | 2 comments on Hacker News. July 8, 2022 at 02:27PM FinalDestiny 11 https://ift.tt/tnpSC6x Show HN: Piano Trainer – Learn piano scales, chords and more using MIDI 2 https://ift.tt/HTzBAYU

New top story on Hacker News: No antibiotics worked, so this woman turned to a natural enemy of bacteria

No antibiotics worked, so this woman turned to a natural enemy of bacteria 55 by LinuxBender | 16 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 11:41PM LinuxBender 55 https://ift.tt/aylFR5i No antibiotics worked, so this woman turned to a natural enemy of bacteria 16 https://ift.tt/Gpd4qjr

New top story on Hacker News: NumPy `__contains__` Is Absurd

NumPy `__contains__` Is Absurd 9 by moelf | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 11:32PM moelf 9 https://ift.tt/Uti8zuB NumPy `__contains__` Is Absurd 0 https://ift.tt/LKGfZ1p

New top story on Hacker News: Physicists discover a “family” of robust, superconducting graphene structures

Physicists discover a “family” of robust, superconducting graphene structures 22 by filoeleven | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 11:17PM filoeleven 22 https://ift.tt/etXxvfu Physicists discover a “family” of robust, superconducting graphene structures 3 https://ift.tt/EAx83sU

New top story on Hacker News: Permaculture Magazine: Seeds [pdf]

Permaculture Magazine: Seeds [pdf] 11 by mooreds | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 11:14PM mooreds 11 https://ift.tt/rF1of8d Permaculture Magazine: Seeds [pdf] 0 https://ift.tt/OYWoV6m

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Every great reads I've ever come across – compiled into Knowledge Graph

Show HN: Every great reads I've ever come across – compiled into Knowledge Graph 19 by rpac0 | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 11:13PM rpac0 19 https://ift.tt/5eU9xfn Show HN: Every great reads I've ever come across – compiled into Knowledge Graph 1 https://ift.tt/3ySkCV4

New top story on Hacker News: Money Stuff – Elon's Out

Money Stuff – Elon's Out 54 by jaxonrice | 34 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 09:46PM jaxonrice 54 https://ift.tt/6QDv2Jd Money Stuff – Elon's Out 34 https://ift.tt/YRhEPBX

New top story on Hacker News: Scaling Causal's Spreadsheet Engine: From Maps to Arrays

Scaling Causal's Spreadsheet Engine: From Maps to Arrays 4 by r4um | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 02:00PM r4um 4 https://ift.tt/i3yFfoH Scaling Causal's Spreadsheet Engine: From Maps to Arrays 0 https://ift.tt/JuZ0Ypi

New top story on Hacker News: A Surprising Side of Carl Sagan

A Surprising Side of Carl Sagan 16 by QuarkForMrMark | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 06:06PM QuarkForMrMark 16 https://ift.tt/jEzDsun A Surprising Side of Carl Sagan 1 https://ift.tt/yjHe4ni

New top story on Hacker News: Flexport Is Still Hiring

Flexport Is Still Hiring 1 by thedogeye | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 9, 2022 at 12:55AM thedogeye 1 https://ift.tt/bYf6tId Flexport Is Still Hiring 0 https://ift.tt/bBspJjx

New top story on Hacker News: International Slide Rule Museum (ISRM)

International Slide Rule Museum (ISRM) 6 by ngram | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 07:01PM ngram 6 https://ift.tt/sNXWtGV International Slide Rule Museum (ISRM) 0 https://ift.tt/ctCf9vd

New top story on Hacker News: On the Disassembly Line

On the Disassembly Line 3 by velmu | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 04:07PM velmu 3 https://ift.tt/cwGRQrC On the Disassembly Line 0 https://ift.tt/5iPTAWp

New top story on Hacker News: Vision-based AI drones outfly world-class human pilots

Vision-based AI drones outfly world-class human pilots 34 by samizdis | 27 comments on Hacker News. July 8, 2022 at 12:49AM samizdis 34 https://ift.tt/ELjGZDU Vision-based AI drones outfly world-class human pilots 27 https://ift.tt/6JLwreA

New top story on Hacker News: Dolphin Progress May and June 2022

Dolphin Progress May and June 2022 8 by driscoll42 | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 8, 2022 at 12:22AM driscoll42 8 https://ift.tt/S5UKFyz Dolphin Progress May and June 2022 0 https://ift.tt/NxOfwgV

New top story on Hacker News: My Return to Desktop Applications

My Return to Desktop Applications 7 by samemail88 | 3 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 11:47PM samemail88 7 https://ift.tt/kilgVIP My Return to Desktop Applications 3 https://ift.tt/Uq2s7iF

New top story on Hacker News: New constraints on dark photons using a new dielectric optical haloscope

New constraints on dark photons using a new dielectric optical haloscope 9 by PaulHoule | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 6, 2022 at 09:26PM PaulHoule 9 https://ift.tt/xOpWU7Z New constraints on dark photons using a new dielectric optical haloscope 0 https://ift.tt/CmM2DQw

New top story on Hacker News: Inversion Space (YC S21) Is Hiring for Embedded Software

Inversion Space (YC S21) Is Hiring for Embedded Software 1 by jcfiaschetti | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 8, 2022 at 12:01AM jcfiaschetti 1 https://ift.tt/x7nt2fm Inversion Space (YC S21) Is Hiring for Embedded Software 0 https://ift.tt/cgL2SVM

New top story on Hacker News: A Facebook account is no longer required to use Meta VR devices

A Facebook account is no longer required to use Meta VR devices 40 by pesenti | 30 comments on Hacker News. July 8, 2022 at 12:00AM pesenti 40 https://ift.tt/2FLtn0a A Facebook account is no longer required to use Meta VR devices 30 https://ift.tt/Qp4TVI7

New top story on Hacker News: Shader-like holographic effects with CSS

Shader-like holographic effects with CSS 4 by skilled | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 11:53PM skilled 4 https://ift.tt/E4wDsGP Shader-like holographic effects with CSS 0 https://ift.tt/kxN6OeK

New top story on Hacker News: Meshtastic is an encrypted communications platform for the Lora RF protocol

Meshtastic is an encrypted communications platform for the Lora RF protocol 18 by buescher | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 11:34PM buescher 18 https://ift.tt/YUZurjq Meshtastic is an encrypted communications platform for the Lora RF protocol 1 https://ift.tt/FvGoJPf

New top story on Hacker News: Covid-19 Vaccine Doses, Once in High Demand, Now Thrown Away

Covid-19 Vaccine Doses, Once in High Demand, Now Thrown Away 14 by prostoalex | 7 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 11:33PM prostoalex 14 https://ift.tt/5bkArN8 Covid-19 Vaccine Doses, Once in High Demand, Now Thrown Away 7 https://ift.tt/Q1FmKac

New top story on Hacker News: Where to wait for an elevator (2010)

Where to wait for an elevator (2010) 32 by bumbledraven | 13 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 12:07AM bumbledraven 32 https://ift.tt/RNBIsT4 Where to wait for an elevator (2010) 13 https://ift.tt/MBqnauA

New top story on Hacker News: Apple expands commitment to protect users from mercenary spyware

Apple expands commitment to protect users from mercenary spyware 302 by todsacerdoti | 156 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 12:01AM todsacerdoti 302 https://ift.tt/aeKXnlg Apple expands commitment to protect users from mercenary spyware 156 https://ift.tt/7rCeDJB

New top story on Hacker News: ReadMe (YC W15) is hiring people who love Developer Experience

ReadMe (YC W15) is hiring people who love Developer Experience 1 by gkoberger | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 7, 2022 at 12:00AM gkoberger 1 https://ift.tt/xRFHPWE ReadMe (YC W15) is hiring people who love Developer Experience 0 https://ift.tt/UqmZOyc

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why do I struggle to follow corporate meetings?

Ask HN: Why do I struggle to follow corporate meetings? 112 by kypro | 127 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN, I've just got out of a meeting and like almost every non-technical meeting I have next to no idea what the discussion was about. I find a lot of non-technical meetings go something like this: "Hi guys, as you might be aware [Robert Smith] of the [communications department] has recently released his [quarterly review] of our ongoing [transformation strategy]. We've received a lot of positive feedback so far, but I wanted to give you all an opportunity to share your thoughts in this meeting. Would anyone like to go first?" Then about half of the team (normally the same people) will jump into the discussion and somehow seem to know what the hell is going on. Meanwhile I'm there wondering who is this [Robert Smith] of the [communications department]? What is the [transformation strategy] and why does it need a [quarterly review]? Occasionally someone will ask ...

New top story on Hacker News: Let's Encrypt swag is here and I love it

Let's Encrypt swag is here and I love it 69 by dfern | 26 comments on Hacker News. July 6, 2022 at 11:26PM dfern 69 https://ift.tt/im0v2Ze Let's Encrypt swag is here and I love it 26 https://ift.tt/gERakpm

New top story on Hacker News: Why are there different ways of measuring energy?

Why are there different ways of measuring energy? 2 by _Microft | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 06:09PM _Microft 2 https://ift.tt/UekQzWA Why are there different ways of measuring energy? 0 https://ift.tt/d2x5PMQ

New top story on Hacker News: Stores weigh paying you not to bring back unwanted items

Stores weigh paying you not to bring back unwanted items 9 by bookofjoe | 7 comments on Hacker News. July 6, 2022 at 05:35PM bookofjoe 9 https://ift.tt/7I5VYpC Stores weigh paying you not to bring back unwanted items 7 https://ift.tt/o6kaGZL

New top story on Hacker News: To improve search results on YouTube, use the search prefix “intitle:”

To improve search results on YouTube, use the search prefix “intitle:” 55 by normhill | 26 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 11:10PM normhill 55 https://ift.tt/bWnFJv4 To improve search results on YouTube, use the search prefix “intitle:” 26 https://ift.tt/Ar1bhxj

New top story on Hacker News: Robotic surgery turns surgical trainees into spectators

Robotic surgery turns surgical trainees into spectators 36 by samizdis | 43 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 11:07PM samizdis 36 https://ift.tt/yH04ntV Robotic surgery turns surgical trainees into spectators 43 https://ift.tt/cxUhNgR

New top story on Hacker News: Memzoom – view/monitor the raw memory of processes/files in your UTF-8 terminal

Memzoom – view/monitor the raw memory of processes/files in your UTF-8 terminal 66 by tsujp | 7 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 10:31PM tsujp 66 https://ift.tt/JjCpvg5 Memzoom – view/monitor the raw memory of processes/files in your UTF-8 terminal 7 https://ift.tt/oNPGkME

New top story on Hacker News: Billion-record stolen Chinese database for sale on breach forum

Billion-record stolen Chinese database for sale on breach forum 40 by ellen364 | 81 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 05:21PM ellen364 40 https://ift.tt/g76eKE5 Billion-record stolen Chinese database for sale on breach forum 81 https://ift.tt/Ta1Bdp5

New top story on Hacker News: Opening up our code and logic for algorithmic decision-making

Opening up our code and logic for algorithmic decision-making 5 by open-source-ux | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 02:45PM open-source-ux 5 https://ift.tt/aAvqBM8 Opening up our code and logic for algorithmic decision-making 0 https://ift.tt/ENZTMSJ

New top story on Hacker News: A working flight simulator, no computers necessary [video]

A working flight simulator, no computers necessary [video] 7 by sohkamyung | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 04:58PM sohkamyung 7 https://ift.tt/bxrh4Hg A working flight simulator, no computers necessary [video] 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJAYZgOZS08

New top story on Hacker News: How TS Eliot Found Happiness

How TS Eliot Found Happiness 4 by samclemens | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 5, 2022 at 06:41AM samclemens 4 https://ift.tt/ZScm4lJ How TS Eliot Found Happiness 0 https://ift.tt/pPshjo8

New top story on Hacker News: All That Is Not Good

All That Is Not Good 5 by benbreen | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 4, 2022 at 07:40AM benbreen 5 https://ift.tt/5o7YdZP All That Is Not Good 0 https://ift.tt/Jl9oLdQ

New top story on Hacker News: Oral History Panel on 8 Inch Floppy Disk Drives (2005) [pdf]

Oral History Panel on 8 Inch Floppy Disk Drives (2005) [pdf] 5 by grunthos | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 4, 2022 at 05:08PM grunthos 5 https://ift.tt/X7CFf6P Oral History Panel on 8 Inch Floppy Disk Drives (2005) [pdf] 0 https://ift.tt/STYnrus

New top story on Hacker News: Number of pubs in England and Wales falls to record low

Number of pubs in England and Wales falls to record low 29 by samizdis | 14 comments on Hacker News. July 4, 2022 at 02:47PM samizdis 29 https://ift.tt/z8n6c2K Number of pubs in England and Wales falls to record low 14 https://ift.tt/ZI7iAvd

New top story on Hacker News: The Sky Thief (2021)

The Sky Thief (2021) 7 by kevmo314 | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 4, 2022 at 01:35PM kevmo314 7 https://ift.tt/3fMRpAG The Sky Thief (2021) 0 https://ift.tt/VvRpjfA

New top story on Hacker News: I tried the app that ‘makes you trip’ and it was surprisingly good

I tried the app that ‘makes you trip’ and it was surprisingly good 25 by greenSunglass | 4 comments on Hacker News. July 4, 2022 at 03:01PM greenSunglass 25 https://ift.tt/xOrXodZ I tried the app that ‘makes you trip’ and it was surprisingly good 4 https://ift.tt/L8aWCPr

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: What do avoided crossings sound like?

Show HN: What do avoided crossings sound like? 5 by darthoctopus | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 2, 2022 at 01:40PM darthoctopus 5 https://ift.tt/N0cUhEt Show HN: What do avoided crossings sound like? 0 http://hyad.es/chirp

New top story on Hacker News: Why does iron deficiency cause fatigue, even in the absence of anemia?

Why does iron deficiency cause fatigue, even in the absence of anemia? 63 by panabee | 35 comments on Hacker News. July 3, 2022 at 09:50PM panabee 63 https://ift.tt/LeW4bf6 Why does iron deficiency cause fatigue, even in the absence of anemia? 35 https://twitter.com/tony_breu/status/1543311124560592898

New top story on Hacker News: SwiftUI for Mac 2022

SwiftUI for Mac 2022 37 by allenleein | 8 comments on Hacker News. July 3, 2022 at 09:32PM allenleein 37 https://ift.tt/pyeucWQ SwiftUI for Mac 2022 8 https://ift.tt/wMnBX4g

New top story on Hacker News: Sequoia Arc: Catalyst for Seed Companies

Sequoia Arc: Catalyst for Seed Companies 7 by jbredeche | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 2, 2022 at 07:27AM jbredeche 7 https://ift.tt/0xVUdbW Sequoia Arc: Catalyst for Seed Companies 0 https://ift.tt/cJwhl62

New top story on Hacker News: Retro Is Fast – Mitchell A. Gordon

Retro Is Fast – Mitchell A. Gordon 7 by bilsbie | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 3, 2022 at 08:19PM bilsbie 7 https://ift.tt/MAihjIQ Retro Is Fast – Mitchell A. Gordon 0 https://ift.tt/i679ygj

New top story on Hacker News: Software Engineering Salaries in the Netherlands and Europe

Software Engineering Salaries in the Netherlands and Europe 85 by emirb | 77 comments on Hacker News. July 3, 2022 at 12:27AM emirb 85 https://ift.tt/Da1lVfN Software Engineering Salaries in the Netherlands and Europe 77 https://ift.tt/FqDThaL

New top story on Hacker News: Games Done Quick Ocarina of Time beta showcase standing ovation

Games Done Quick Ocarina of Time beta showcase standing ovation 35 by daverol | 9 comments on Hacker News. July 3, 2022 at 12:05AM daverol 35 https://ift.tt/QC6c28k Games Done Quick Ocarina of Time beta showcase standing ovation 9 https://ift.tt/Wu3Jdck

New top story on Hacker News: Streak (YC W22) is hiring customer success specialists to delight users (remote)

Streak (YC W22) is hiring customer success specialists to delight users (remote) 1 by alooPotato | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 3, 2022 at 12:00AM alooPotato 1 https://ift.tt/ebwdW5I Streak (YC W22) is hiring customer success specialists to delight users (remote) 0 https://ift.tt/SbLij6h

New top story on Hacker News: Porting Graphing Calculator from C++ to Swift

Porting Graphing Calculator from C++ to Swift 8 by mooreds | 1 comments on Hacker News. July 1, 2022 at 07:27PM mooreds 8 https://ift.tt/j9U2EPw Porting Graphing Calculator from C++ to Swift 1 https://ift.tt/vaj1WT9

New top story on Hacker News: Fund OSS through package managers

Fund OSS through package managers 9 by dustinmoris | 5 comments on Hacker News. July 2, 2022 at 11:15PM dustinmoris 9 https://ift.tt/meFgBt1 Fund OSS through package managers 5 https://ift.tt/9cPW8ua

New top story on Hacker News: mTCP 2022-07-01 (TCP/IP and programs for old DOS PCs) is available

mTCP 2022-07-01 (TCP/IP and programs for old DOS PCs) is available 24 by mbbrutman | 6 comments on Hacker News. July 2, 2022 at 12:12AM mbbrutman 24 https://ift.tt/q1wERzr mTCP 2022-07-01 (TCP/IP and programs for old DOS PCs) is available 6 https://ift.tt/hCvxfKH

New top story on Hacker News: Smarking (YC W15) Is Hiring Lead ML Eng to scale tech for $655B parking industry

Smarking (YC W15) Is Hiring Lead ML Eng to scale tech for $655B parking industry 1 by sangwen | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 2, 2022 at 12:02AM sangwen 1 https://ift.tt/wyVh5Zu Smarking (YC W15) Is Hiring Lead ML Eng to scale tech for $655B parking industry 0 https://ift.tt/hSCrTWf

New top story on Hacker News: Design Lessons from Guitar Pedals

Design Lessons from Guitar Pedals 32 by williamsmj | 11 comments on Hacker News. July 1, 2022 at 11:29PM williamsmj 32 https://ift.tt/aYSriwj Design Lessons from Guitar Pedals 11 https://ift.tt/0M9W6Lh

New top story on Hacker News: Klarna to raise fresh cash at slashed $6.5B valuation

Klarna to raise fresh cash at slashed $6.5B valuation 19 by fjk | 14 comments on Hacker News. July 1, 2022 at 11:27PM fjk 19 https://ift.tt/W6SNUBm Klarna to raise fresh cash at slashed $6.5B valuation 14 https://ift.tt/PaAkz7T

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (July 2022)

Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (July 2022) 17 by whoishiring | 38 comments on Hacker News. Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location, and whether remote work is a possibility. Bonsai (YC W16) ( https://ift.tt/6trAai3 ) offers freelance contracts, proposals, invoices, etc. July 1, 2022 at 10:00PM whoishiring 17 https://ift.tt/FE19rJD Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (July 2022) 38 Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location, and whether remote work is a possibility. Bonsai (YC W16) ( https://ift.tt/6trAai3 ) offers freelance contracts, proposals, invoices, etc.

New top story on Hacker News: Police Can Trace Cameras Thanks to Sensor Imperfection ‘Fingerprints’

Police Can Trace Cameras Thanks to Sensor Imperfection ‘Fingerprints’ 17 by mikece | 19 comments on Hacker News. July 1, 2022 at 09:59PM mikece 17 https://ift.tt/gCbFkdi Police Can Trace Cameras Thanks to Sensor Imperfection ‘Fingerprints’ 19 https://ift.tt/MXjx6PH

New top story on Hacker News: If I cold emailed you, I apologize

If I cold emailed you, I apologize 17 by loh | 18 comments on Hacker News. July 1, 2022 at 09:50PM loh 17 https://ift.tt/mlA9WHh If I cold emailed you, I apologize 18 https://ift.tt/gtih3xm

New top story on Hacker News: Software development from my Android phone at datacenter speeds

Software development from my Android phone at datacenter speeds 3 by ghuntley | 0 comments on Hacker News. July 1, 2022 at 07:58AM ghuntley 3 https://ift.tt/wAZf7XT Software development from my Android phone at datacenter speeds 0 https://ift.tt/zwH3YRx